
Half Day Workshops!!!

"Younger You...Yay!"

Saturday, March 29th from 2 - 6 -PM. 

Sarvataa will passed a 5 day training in January, 2014, certifying her to teach 2, 3 and 4 hour workshops and making her an Ashram Faculty member!...Yay! 

"Younger You...Yay"

$50 - Early Registration
Four Week Series at 
Suitable for all levels.
(Two weeks before start date).
No make up and no refunds.  

$55 - Early Registration
Four Week Series at 
Suitable for all levels.
(One week before start date). 
No make up and no refunds.  

 $60 - Four Week Series at 
Suitable for all levels.
It is body friendly yoga!
No make up and no refunds.  

 $30 - Second, Concurrent Four Week Series at 
Suitable for all levels. 
It is body friendly yoga!
No make up and no refunds.  

$20 - Drop~In


 Meditation 101

Meditation 101

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