Photo used courtesy of Master Yoga Foundation
© Master Yoga Foundation 2009. All rights reserved. 

I needed that!!! It  was a pilgrimage to Kavi's class. I was running late, went back into the house after realizing I hadn't the keys, then, there was traffic due to a farm equipment show. Finally, I arrived. As soon as I lied down in Shavasana, I felt better. My back wasn't sore or stiff any more and my neck / shoulder stopped spasming. My mind started to settle and I began Ujjayi pranayama. Kavi quoted Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati..."As a yogi, you are cultivating an inner experience of your own Self, basing yourself in your own inner infinity, which makes you free of need and fear". Reclined Child's Pose was our marker, then to alternate leg and half frog. My body began to feel wonderful. Not only not in pain, by wonderful. Then mini-marker, "my sit bones are longer and my back feels great" was my report. Onto Seated Side Stretch to open up the waist and rib cage. No more soreness in my ribs! Yay! Such sweet tingles and sensations running through my body. Back on the floor for alternate leg then the diagonal angle, too. I felt so much release in diagonal angle alternate leg; I began to vibrate in ecstasy. In Danurasana Leg, I needed to go up two blankets...change had happened!!! The our maker once again.."long sit bones, shoulder blades flat, low back more pain, stiffness or achiness!" What a great report I had to give, even better that I felt great. JP was so sweet...with an adjustment to open me into a deep, sweet place. Deeper vibration and bliss arising from deep inside. Sweet Final Shavasana. Lying on our sides, again the quote, "As a yogi, you are cultivating an inner experience of your own Self, basing yourself in your own inner infinity, which makes you free of need and fear". Then up, Yoga Mudra, to take our Yoga with us for the rest of our lives. I am left with an inner bliss, happy body and quite mind. "I needed that!" However, my day was still full of bliss and grace, even before class, when my body and mind were less perfect...