I am in such a sweet place. In my body, in my mind and so very much more! I've returned from a three day stay at Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. I made my pilgrimage down early Sunday morning for Swami Sunday at Kashi, then had lunch, a nap, meditation and supper. How very sweet! The next day followed with the ashram's practices and seva (service) at Master Yoga Foundation. What a sweet treat! I was able to be a fly on the wall, well a bit more than that as I was taking photos, during the second to last day of this 7 day Advanced Bliss Training.  The bliss was tangible. And, yes! Bliss is contagious! Then, we were off to the ashram for lunch, sutra studies and more !!! Then, yet another day for me to stay, do practices and rest rest rest...ending my visit with satsang at DYMC in the evening. I experienced wonderful meditations and physical openings, too! Upon returning home, still basking in the bliss, I taught a free class on Wed at Lift Easton. We focused on freedom through inward focus (pratyahara) with asanas (yoga postures) surrendered into, as well as a quote from Swami Nirmalananda's July 2004 Contemplation Article: "Attaining Inner Freedom". What a wonderful class! Yes! Bliss is contageous :) One of the students commented today about still being in bliss and another loss of neck pain after class with continued deepening openings into the evening. I blissed in during class myself, simply from teaching! Oh! To be in that deep inner state, functioning from that state in the world. What a lovely way to live! Then, last evening, another treat for me! Kavi's (one of my Dear Yoga Buddie's) class! He has recently completed level 4 and we did some very deep twisting.  I felt so good in my body. Such sensations which I never knew were possible. Such ecstasy. No pain, not simply numb with lack of pain, but feeling GREAT! 
I am reminded of my first few Svaroopa (R) Yoga classes.By the fourth or so, I had a few moments in supported fish pose where I had no pain in my body for the first time in almost 7 years. I had resisted this yoga until then; but continued as the urging of my "yoga buddies"! (Keep your eyes peeled for August's Yoga Buddy Specials..announced soon!) It didn't last long (yet), however, I knew then that there is something more to this yoga. It is the something I had been seeking...craving; the something deeper I yearned for so much that I felt that yearning as pain so very deep in my soul. That was during the end of 2010. Now, I am in a body which feels GREAT! When I am asked, how are you, honestly, I can say it and mean it "Great!". 
Do More Yoga...Check out our class schedule and show up!!!; letting the yoga "do you" from the inside out. The deeper I go in my practices, the more available the yoga is to you. Come, share in the promises of yoga and experience for yourself!

"I know I should be doing more yoga, but I just can't manage to do it. It's like there is something that keeps me from doing what I know I should do." I listened as Swamiji answered this yogi's question, "Yes, that's why your relationships with your yoga buddies are so important. You can't resist those forces of contraction by yourself." Quoted from a MYF E-Letter article.